Monday, September 1, 2008


The green robot as a blaster gun and other robot as 5 lags.robby the robot black and red with a good bran.


Unknown said...

Harrison - Cool blog post. I love the pictures of the robots. I'm so glad that you have your own blog. Not many kids have blogs and yours is so cool.

Love, Mom

Unknown said...


I am soooooo excited about your next blog post! I can hardly wait to hear what its going to be about, the cats, your brother and sisters, mom and dad, the coolest video game or whats new and cool at Target?!??! I guess I'll just to have to wait and see... Right now, I am looking at a picture of your face and I wish you were here so I could squeeze your cheeks! Miss you always, thinking of you all the time. I love you buddy.

Aunt Amy