Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mouse's Christmas Adventure

An original story by me:

Mouse was a lazy mouse. The only thing he did was lay in bed. The only thing that kept him out of his bed was his sister.

One day his sister said, "It is snowing." She ran outside.

Mouse's sister ran back inside and grabbed him and took Mouse outside. He saw other mice playing in the snow. A girl mouse stared at him with a smile on her face.

When Mouse went inside an old mouse was sitting on his bed. The old mouse whispered to himself, "Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it . . ." Mouse got closer to his bed, then suddenly the old mouse said "Now!" and suddenly Mouse shrank. The old mouse said, "The only thing that will make me turn you back to normal is if you say 'I will never be lazy again.'"

Mouse said, "I will never be lazy again."

The old mouse put up a fist and opened it very slowly. While he was opening his fist Mouse was turning back to normal. Suddenly the old mouse disappeared on Mouse's bed.

Mouse ran outside. The old mouse that shrank him was patting the girl mouse that was staring at him.

On Christmas day Mouse opened one of his presents. The tag said "Don't be lazy. From Maisy."

The End


Unknown said...

Great story!!

Keep up the good work. How can you tell if a mouse is an old mouse? Does he have gray hair?

Can't wait to hear more stories. I like this blog. Tell me more.


Unknown said...

Harrison, now on top of everything else, you're a writer!!!!!! I love the mouse Christmas adventure. I have some questions for you, the girl mouse, I assume that is Maisy mouse, a good mouse? Was she being nice to Mouse to tell him to get out there and take on the day, and don't waste your time indoors? Is that was she was trying to get him to realize? If he was tiny he wouldnt be able to participate in fun and maybe he realized he wanted to? And the old mouse why did he shrink down Mouse? Was he teaching him a lesson? What was the lesson? Please more Mouse stories, this I can say with complete certainty is my most favorite blog so far!!!

We want more Mouse, we want more Mouse!!!!!!

Love you honey,
Aunt Amy