Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I am soon getting a hamster. I just want my own pet.
When I get it I will get a ball and some food blah blah blah. I will start feeding it and then I will drop it off at my house and go buy a cage with some tubes. When I get home I will play with it. Just to say I was going to get a guinea pig but it was a 56% chance it will be eaten by cats.
Now I want to tell you my schedule.

1.Wake up
2.check on hamster
3.feed it
4.get dressed with it
6.have breakfast
7.go to school with hamster
9.feed it
10.have dinner and
go to bed.

I will feed it vegetables and fruit.
I will name it Sam or Sam.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Idiot friends club

Me and my friend Ryan have a club that is super cccccccooooooooooolllllllllllll. We have meetings on the bus. If you want to join call 418-3106. We will send you are bus number and are code. If you want more don't forget we will give you comics all week. You have money to. You start with $1,000,000,000 ! Spend well. You have jobs to. The most paying is comics. See you in the club.
Next: cool kid.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wars club

Be a member of my club if you like to battle. We will play Nanovor and monster cards. We will do some Nerf gun battles. There are 4 badges and if you get all of them you will build a water mine. Call us if you want to join the Wars club.If you want to know how we do this read the directions on the phone. We will lern how to make our own battle kit. NOTE: We will not use these items to hurt anyone. There will be ten per class. CALL NOW.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Cat News

Hi I am Bob the cat and welcome to the cat news. Okay now let's start talking about the war. We sent our troops out into Iruff by President Puss and we lost! Yes we lost the war, what a shame. Now let's see what Molly is doing.

Molly dog: Hi Bob ruff I am ruffing for my train ruff to come there ruff.

Bob: Okay but there are no trains until tomorrow.

Molly dog: Yes there are.


Molly dog: Here it is. No I do not want pop.

Bob: by cats and people.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What Happened Today

When I was in my clean room at 11.00 AM I heard a thump on my window.

I went to see what it was but nothing was there. After we had lunch I went to get clothes on, but when I walked in my room I heard THUMP!!!

Man did that scare me so I ran out of my room so fast that I could not see my feet! When Grace and I went back to my room we looked out my window and we heard the THUMP and saw the THUMP.

It was a bird trying to get a gummy worm I had left on my windowsill. The glass was in its way.

So that is why I made this story. What do you think of it?

Coming soon:I got a game.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why I Like This Game

Before I say anything, let me just say the game is Smash Brothers. Let me tell you more about it.

This is Meta Knight. When he gets a ball he puts everything in his cape and hits them in the sky.

Snake is a character that has mines, guns -- you name it. When he gets a ball he jumps in the sky and lands on a helicopter and shoots at you.

Bowser looks bad but he's great. When he gets a ball he turns very big! Those are my favorite characters.

These are my favorite stages: Smashville because at 8:00 pm a dog plays a song there, New Pork City because it is a city with monsters and Norfair because it has waves of lava that can hit you.

My favorite items are the ray gun because it shoots very well, star man because you will be invisible and the ball because you can use your special power.

Thank you for reading. What do you think of this game?

Coming soon: What happened today.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

coming soon

www.Bakugan battles on Have you herd about bakugan battles?Have you played bakugn?Coming soon. Battle me.