Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why I Like This Game

Before I say anything, let me just say the game is Smash Brothers. Let me tell you more about it.

This is Meta Knight. When he gets a ball he puts everything in his cape and hits them in the sky.

Snake is a character that has mines, guns -- you name it. When he gets a ball he jumps in the sky and lands on a helicopter and shoots at you.

Bowser looks bad but he's great. When he gets a ball he turns very big! Those are my favorite characters.

These are my favorite stages: Smashville because at 8:00 pm a dog plays a song there, New Pork City because it is a city with monsters and Norfair because it has waves of lava that can hit you.

My favorite items are the ray gun because it shoots very well, star man because you will be invisible and the ball because you can use your special power.

Thank you for reading. What do you think of this game?

Coming soon: What happened today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This game looks really cool. I'm going to need help understanding how it works.

I will look forward to hearing what happened today.

Glad you are blogging again. Writing is even better than reading.

See you soon. Grandma